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In Vente Venezuela we are convinced that it is our obligation to always speak the truth.  For this reason, we are addressing the country at a time when there can be no doubt about the possibility of participating or not in an alleged election called by Nicolás Maduro, negotiating or not with the regime and seeking alliances with people who may have some responsibility in  the drama that Venezuela is suffering.

From our organization, we affirm without doubts:  we do not recognize the legitimacy of the National Electoral Council (CNE) that names the illegitimate National Assembly and we will not participate in the electoral farce that Maduro intends to convene.

We call on all citizens and democratic forces to make a common front against this new deception, with which the regime only seeks recognition, through the poisoned assignment of some governors and mayors, as happened in 2017.

We ARE going to go to an election, but NOT UNDER THIS CONDITIONS.  We will participate in elections when they are real elections, not a farce like the one they are imposing today to give the regime more time.

We will go to elections without political prisoners, without exiles, without media censorship, without the presence of illegal armed groups that intimidate citizens and the police and military forces;  In short, we will participate when there is sovereignty and when we can really choose and manage to expand the paths of freedom, not to reinforce the locks of this cage in which we are imprisoned.

YES WE ARE going to negotiate, but NOT UNDER THIS CONDITIONS.  They will not count with Vente Venezuela for a negotiation that will only make the cage more comfortable;  what we want is to add the necessary force to reach a negotiation that will break the cage.  We are going to negotiate when and how Nicolás Maduro and the criminal conglomerate that keeps him in power will give up power.

Of course we have strength and leadership in every corner of the country, with projects and a different vision of what we should be as a nation, but we will enforce them in freedom, because YES WE ARE going to give everything and sacrifice everything for the dignity and well-being of the venezuelan people.

AND YES WE ARE going undauntedly to play united to build more pressure and with a single purpose, as long as it represents the true aspiration of the Venezuelan society: to free ourselves from this tyranny of mafias and not cohabit with it.

Our call to all citizens, social organizations, parties, personalities and the entire international democratic community is to stand firm and work together on a path that has no other objective than the urgent liberation of Venezuela and the end of a tragedy that we cannot postpone any longer.


Caracas, April 29, 2021.


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