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(Valera. 02/03/2020) This last December the United Kingdom (UK) Foreign and Commonwealth Office said that they are concerned for persecution of National Assembly, whereas thugs and corrupt bankers as Alejandro Betancourt and people of Alex Saab are living with impunity in London, according to Alek Boyd. But they aren´t a unique case of stealers that are living in developed countries that show themselves as Venezuela’s democracy supporters.

Talking about the last ones, this year began with the sudden Guaido’s Internacional tour and a lot of those countries that say that they are democracy defenders invited him. Besides, he told in Davos a speech in which he talked about «we can’t alone» reffering to Venezuela’s people impossibility to confront chasvista thugs. But the fact is that internacional assistance is absolutly insufficient.

Meanwhile the 80% of Venezuelans live in poverty with starvation and disease, in developed countries stealers enter with a lot of money. How do they enter? Why don’t the victims enter, but do the guilty? They have a luxurious life there and governments aren’t making anything more than a few sanctions and statements, like European Union and Lima group.  

The position of USA with Trump’s administration is paradigmatic against Maduro’s dictadorship, but is not enough. Now is regular to find members of the chavista regimen living easily and openning bank accounts without troubles. 

The voters need to know this. How is possible that democratic parties let that anti-western enemies use their countries and financial systems to strike back? For example, the mayor organization against democracy, institutional development and free economy in Latin America is called Sao Paulo Forum and it is handled by Cuba with support of Russia, China, Iran and a lot outlaw regimens.

Nowadays in the hispanic countries we are seeing many sidekick governments in Mexico, Argentina even in Spain; but that is not everything, riots in Chile, Ecuador and Colombia were movements sponsored by this leftist forum.

There are too much accomplices of this humanitarian tragedy that now surpasses Syria’s numbers of refugees. Are you aware of that? Around 5 million of Venezuelans are living abroad and much more could cross the border soon.

Developed countries be reasonable, ban the chavista corrupt people!

Andrés Segovia